Live Pitch Finalist: Our York Media

Telling the stories of people positively contributing to York

Live Pitch Finalist: Our York Media image


raised towards $2,500 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Telling the stories of people positively contributing to York

Connecting a community through good news stories

Rebecca and Will Hanlon of Our York Media want to tell the good news stories that local media outlets have left behind. If selected as the SVC winner, Our York Media will publish community-centric feature stories, launch a new video and audio podcast highlighting the "Catalysts" who make York a better place, and build upon their "Neighbors of Our York" series with video storytelling.

VOTE for Our York Media as your community favorite to receive the Community Choice Cash Prize on April 18th.

To vote you must DONATE! One dollar equals one vote (i.e. $10=10 votes). Please note: your donation is not guaranteed to go to the finalist you voted for. The total amount raised will go the finalist with the most votes and be awarded as the community cash prize.