Christmas Emergency Fund: Helping York Countians Impacted by Hurricaine Ida
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Help Your Neighbors Impacted by Hurricaine Ida
Each holiday season, the York Daily Record offers readers the opportunity to help our community through the Christmas Emergency Fund.
York County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) organizations are used to responding when needed but are now also undertaking the Long Term Recovery Committee and all of the parts and ramifications that come with that effort.
York Traditions Bank and the York County Community Foundation are partnering with us to collect and disburse donations – all free of charge so every penny goes to help local folks.
Please consider giving generously. You can make a donation online on this page or checks can be mailed to: YDR Christmas Emergency Fund C/O York Traditions Bank, 226 Pauline Drive, York, PA 17402-0136.